viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

Cenote Xlakáh

It is an open type cenote almost at ground level, the water being of a blue hue and measuring 22 meters long by 36 meters wide. It has a minimum depth of 1 meter and a maximum of 44 meters at its northwest side, where the opening of a large underwater gallery is found which is the entrance to the cave that has an extension of 1.3 km reaching a depth of 56 meters.

The site is managed by the CULTUR Patronage and the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) who are in charge of caring and maintaining the archeological site and tourist services. Its clear waters are in most part covered with water lilies. It is an optimal place for swimming and bird watching. It is recommended to use life jackets, avoid using sunblocks and insect repellents as well as littering inside and outside of the water body.

The cenote is located 16.6 km north of Merida city, traveling 12 kms of the Mérida - Progreso highway until reaching the crossroad to Dzibichaltún where you'll arrive after 4 km more. Reaching the town, head to the archeological site of Dzibilchaltún up to the CULTUR services unit, where an entrance fee is paid and allows you to visit the cenote.

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