viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

Cenote Dzom bacal

It is a semi open type cenote with free fall, where you have to descend a masonry staircase to access the water. The water is crystal clear and it acquires a blueish hue on the deepest parts. The water mirror is 25 meters long by 15 meters wide, with a minimum depth of 0.3 meters and a maximum depth of 30 meters.

It is managed by the cooperative of Tumben Zazil Kin Zonot, who care and maintain the quality of the tourist services by charging a small fee. It has rustic cabins for lodging, snorkel equipment rental, life jackets and bicycles.

A place with good conditions for swimming, bird watching and diving, as long as you have the necessary preparation, thanks to its large underwater cavern. It is recommended to use life jackets, avoid using sunblocks and not leave garbage on the site.

This cenote is located 49 km south of Merida city. Take the Mérida-Muna highway where at the kilometer 39 take the right margin towards the Cacao ex hacienda. When you reach this town, take the road towards the comissary of San Antonio Mulix, travel 3km of narrow paved road in regular condition, where you’ll find a tourist center.

In this place, pay the entry fee and you’ll be pointed to the 2.3 km white road leading to the cenotes of the ejido.

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